Random Thoughts

I love this quote:

“There would be no hope for you if you were to pray in your own name. But listen! You are to pray in the name of JESUS. It is for Jesus’ sake that you are to receive what you ask for.” – O. Hallesby

It makes me think of the scripture in John 14:13 that says:

“Whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.”

It is so true! The name of Jesus is so powerful. At his name, demons tremble and healing happens. It’s important to note that one must have a PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP with Jesus Christ and have applied his blood to your life by being “buried with him in baptism”. That is where we take on the name of Jesus and have it applied to our lives. Otherwise, we do not have the authority to invoke the name of Jesus. That is why when the sorcerers in the Bible tried to invoke the name of Jesus to earn profits because they saw the powerful works the disciples were doing, nothing happened.

So, if you’re struggling today to feel like you are on top of things and triumphant then spend some time reading the book of John and/or the book of Acts in the Holy Bible. The book of John will tell you all about the love of Jesus Christ and the book of Acts will explain to you how to receive the Holy Spirit, the importance of Jesus name baptism and all about the empowerment that comes and the promise of eternal salvation once you’ve been baptized in Jesus name and received the Holy Spirit.

Those are my random thoughts for today….

Sending you lots of hugs,


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