
My heart is heavy today, and I feel compelled to write about the pains of rejection.

I can think of no other loss so great as that of not being wanted by someone you love so desperately. Maybe it’s a mother, a spouse, a sibling, or a lover. Who it is doesn’t matter near as much as the utter worthlessness you feel when one you love doesn’t love you back, especially when it’s a biological relative.

Your psyche tells you that genetically, your father or brother or __________ (you fill in the blank) must love you. Afterall, you share the same bloodline. But when even one of your own flesh wants nothing to do with you, the level of despair sinks to a new low.

Yet God tells us in Psalm 27:10 that:

“When my father and my mother forsake me, then the LORD will take me up.”

And the reality is that if Lord takes me up then nothing else should matter. I’m not ‘there’ yet in my thinking, but I’m on the road to this kind of transformed thinking.

God help me to really grasp my value in You. Because I know that You will never, EVER reject me! And for that I am eternally grateful.

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