Rough Mornings

Good Morning My Faithful Readers!

I hope your morning has been better than mine so far. As you know, I’m normally up very early, have my coffee, read my Bible, pray and then post whatever God has laid on my heart. Well, yesterday was a very trying day at work and as a result I was still stewing about it this morning.

Normally, after some reflection and a good night’s sleep I am able to let go of whatever is bothering me.

But not so this time.

I TRIED to follow my normal routine. I settled in with my coffee and Bible but instead of absorbing what I was reading I kept ruminating about yesterday’s issues. So, I ended up talking about my troubles with my sweet, wonderful husband, Buddy.

He listened patiently as he always does and offered me sound advice.

I was thankful for his attention and compassionate understanding but regretted that I had talked away my prayer and devotion time.

I’m sure God understood my need to lean on human shoulders, but He’d probably preferred that I’d been able to vent all of my frustrations to Him alone.

I do try to do this, but it is a challenge sometimes.

So that’s all I have to offer to you today, my precious readers.

This is a day where the ‘encourager’ could use some encouragement of her own. I could have just left the previous post up and ‘hidden’ the fact that I’m not feeling that upbeat.

But it’s important that you know that living every day with Jesus doesn’t mean there won’t be down days. But it does mean you always have hope, even on the rough mornings.

Blessings to all of you!


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