The Power of a Shut Mouth

Your momma was right if she ever told you if you didn’t have something good to say about someone not to say it. In short, she was imparting the wisdom to you regarding the power of a shut mouth.

One of these days, I might actually learn this.

Not long ago, I opened my mouth about someone, thinking that I was shedding light on a situation that would be helpful.


Instead of their receiving my words as I’d intended, they landblasted me on the importance of being unbiased and non-judgmental.

They were right.

What’s more, after I really examined my motives, I realized that my desire was much more about wanting to impress this person with my ‘inside track knowledge’ than sincerely being concerned.

My mouth had gotten me in trouble.

Oh, if I’d only heeded Biblical advice on the power of spoken words:

But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment. (Matthew 12:37)

Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof. (Proverbs 18:21)

Although my words were well intentioned, they still were not received as I’d hoped.

So if I would have adhered to Christ’s teachings, I would have never opened my mouth in the first place and would have saved myself a lot of heartache.

What about you?

Do you ever struggle to keep your mouth shut?

When are you most tempted to open your mouth and let it fly?

Let’s talk about the power of a shut mouth for the next few days.

I’d love to hear how you deal with this very human issue.

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