The Writer In Me

There’s a writer in me that’s trying to grow up.

Sometimes, my inner writerproduces quality manuscripts; but, sometimes, she’s undisciplined and just wants to play.

My Grandaughter Playing Dress Up

It’s quite similar towhen my grandkids play dress up. They love to model for me and show off, but they are nowhere near mature enough to be a real adult and handle grown up responsibilities.

Attending theLaity Lodge’s Writer’s Retreatwould mature me as a writer. Not just in the mechanics of my writing, but in the chance to catch the vision of Christ centered writing through the deepening of relationshipswith such wonderful writersas Laura Boggess, Marcus Goodyear, Sam Van Emam, and Howard E.Butt.

In my opinion, the High Calling editors and staff are the real deal. They love Christ and are totally committed to sharing His message in articulate ways that will reach the masses.

I have learned so much from them just through the few articles I’ve been fortunate enough to write for them and by interacting on their site: have a chance to be in their shadow at the writer’s retreat would give me a once in a lifetime chance to have them imprint their passion and wisdom in my spirit.

I have no book project to promote or any other agenda in wanting to come but to sit in the shadow of greatness and to absorb as much into my spirit and mind as is humanly possible.

(To my readers, this is part of an entry form for me to win a chance to attend the Laity Lodge Writer’s Retreat)

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