Well, I was on vacation and it shows. I didn’t blog while I was gone.

Thanks to my readers for sticking with me through my erratic postings!

I’ve been contemplating TIME lately. Particularly, what seems to be the lack of it.

Time Management experts would say we all have the same 24 hours, and they are right. Each one of us is given this most precious of commodities which springs to newness each sunrise and gasps it’s last each sunset.

TIME is a gift from God, and I am convinced He’s deeply interested in how we use it.
It is exactly that point which frustrates me the most. Often, I feel like I did not live up to God’s expectations of how I used my TIME.

Granted, some of my time is slated for me:

  • I’m at work from 7:30am to 5:00pm each weekday.
  • I generally sleep from 9:00pm to 5:00am.
  • I attend church every Sunday morning (2+ hours) and Thursday night (2 hours)

But what about the remaining 75 hours a week? That is the TIME that God has been dealing with me about. How I spend my ‘free time’ reveals much about who I am as an individual and what my priorities are.

For example, I used to spend 30 minutes a day in Bible reading, but lately it’s been shaved to a mere 15 minutes – hardly enough time to ‘soak in the word.’

At the beginning of the year, I started a new exercise regime and now my 45 minute morning prayer has been squeezed to 20 minutes. (Ouch! Just writing this convicts me.)

So, while it’s true that TIME is the same for all of us, I believe we must be accountable to God for our leisure time. I, for one, want to do much, much better with devoting quality TIME to building up my spiritual self.

What about you?
“There is a time for every thing…” -Ecclesiates 3:1

0 thoughts on “TIME

  1. Cheryl says:


    I completely understand your struggle with time and how to balance life, work, faith, responsibilities, exercise — and on and on the list goes. I don’t have it all sewn up but not too long ago I read a sermon by John Wesley, which I found by searching for time management. It was really powerful!

    I also am beginning to think of exercise/taking care of myself as part of worship.

    I suppose the good side of this, is that if we had it all figured out, we wouldn’t have to rely on God.

    And by the way, welcome to the High Calling Blogs network!

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