WEDNESDAY WEIGH-IN: Facing the Scale

Good Morning My Faithful Readers! Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to stop by today. It makes a huge difference to me. 🙂

Well, it’s Wednesday, and the day I promised to post about my struggle to lose over 100 pounds.

Admittedly, it’s been a harder commitment than I bargained for, but it is a necessity if I truly want to live every day submitted to Jesus. Because you see, in Jesus there is always hope, no matter what our present circumstances. And in Jesus there is always comfort, joy, and a light at the end of every tunnel.

Think about that last statement for a minute. Let’s say it out loud very slowly together so as to engrave it on our hearts and mind. Ready?

In Jesus there is ALWAYS comfort, joy, and a light at the end of every tunnel.

What is your present struggle today, dear reader? What obstacles are you trying to overcome? Is there an area of self-improvement that you have been grappling with? Tell me. Let’s bear this together. If you don’t want to post openly, then email me at There is power and strength in the community of believers.

Now, as to my own weight loss issues:
It’s been really hard to face the number on the scale because I have not been exercising or following my food plan. But last Wednesday, I finally weighed myself after 2 weeks of avoiding the scale and discovered I’d gained a 1/2 pound. In and of itself that is not bad, but I’ve been gaining a little each week for the last few months which means I’m headed in the wrong direction.

Galatians 6:1-3 says:
“Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted.
Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.
For if a man think himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceiveth himself.”

My fault today is my overeating and lack of exercise. You who are strong in this area, please tell me what you do to get back on track.

Helping one another to overcome is yet another facet of living every day with Jesus. We need each other!

Yes, there is always hope in Jesus, but often we need the expression of another human being reaching out in compassion to help us embrace that hope. I want to be there for you in the areas I’ve grown in. Would you like to be there for me with my weight struggles?

It really is part of living every day with Jesus.

0 thoughts on “WEDNESDAY WEIGH-IN: Facing the Scale

  1. Jessica says:

    The last time I was trying to lose weight, I would eat off of smaller plates, make myself smaller portions, and when I was getting full but I wanted to keep eating I would remind myself that I could always eat more in the morning or at the next meal, which helped me to wrap up my food and put it away instead of eating it all. I have also learned that it is okay to throw food away. Trying to eat slower helps. And then just not thinking about food all the time, what am I going to eat next, how many calories have I had today. It can become an obsession almost. Like if you can get your mind off food, you can skip meals, it does not matter which you eat so much, so you eat less. Also not eating after 8 p.m. If you are hungary just remember you can always eat in the morning. And remember you are a beautiful woman all the time.

  2. Connie Arnold says:

    Debbie, you have a good heart, and I agree that you are a beautiful woman. I pray that you will be able to lose the weight you want so you can feel good about yourself. I think it helps to eat little bits more frequently rather than three large meals. Make sure you eat small, healthy snacks and drink plenty of water so you’re not so empty feeling at mealtimes. Keep busy, say a prayer when you’re tempted to eat the wrong things, remember that the Holy Spirit dwells in you and will give you the strength to do what you ought to do.

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