Weekly Word Shopping

Imagine if, when we get to heaven, we discover that each week we shopped for the words that filled our life. That just as we did our weekly grocery shopping, we also did our weekly word shopping.

Is it possible, that just like we fill our grocery carts with either Twinkies or tomatoes, we also fill our week with words of encouragement or discouragement? That we feed our souls with either healthy, organic, life giving spirit-food, or unhealthy, damaging, soul-draining-food?

Imagine going down the aisle and choosing affirmation and uplift, instead of condemnation and depression. Also imagine planning and preparing your soul’s meals, just as you do with the meals that you will serve your family.

Scripture appears to agree with this concept of choosing our words, and preparing our hearts to deliver those words appropriately:
“Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits.” (Proverbs 18:21, ESV)

Godly words nourish… provide fruit for sustenance.
“Gentle words are a tree of life; a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit.” (Proverbs 15:4, NLT)

Godly words cause things to grow…
“From the fruit of his mouth a man eats what is good, but the desire of the treacherous is for violence. (Proverbs 13:2, ESV)

We eat what we say…
If we unknowingly do weekly word shopping, then each Sunday in church, or each morning in prayer, we might possibly empty our cart of human frailty in repentance, and surrender our tongue in worship, only to rise from the holy place with the Lord, and use words that destroy our faith and perspective.

Evangelist Eli Hernandez mentioned the affect of our words on our spiritual walk to some 300 ministers and their wives the 2015 Passing The Mantle Conference:

“Don’t ruin what God imparted to you in your conversation at dinner tonight.”-Evangelist Eli Hernandez

And the Holy Bible mentions the use of the tongue, mouth, lips, speech and words over 10,000 times.

So this week, as you prepare to do your grocery shopping, consider also your weekly word shopping.

What words will you need to put in your Spirit Cart for that meeting with your child’s teacher? What words, will you need to season in prayer before you witness to your coworker? What words will you need to fast over before you resolve that conflict with your neighbor? And what words do you want to put in that letter to your spouse who is serving overseas in the U.S. military, or to your child who is away at college?

Whatever your words, be sure you have carefully shopped for them in the spirit through much prayer and Bible meditation. Because if you do, you will be sure to have a cart of full blessings to feed on.

Let’s Pray:
Precious Lord Jesus, help us to prepare our minds and heart in such a way that when we do our weekly word shopping we fill our cart with good word choices that are seasoned with your love and anointing. Amen.

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