What Impresses Jesus?

Today was a day of many frustrations. My computer needed servicing at work, a coworker was angry and confrontational, and things that are normally easy seemed extra difficult to accomplish. Funnily enough, just this morning in my quiet time, I felt the Holy Spirit prompt me with this question:


HMMMM, I wondered, what does impress Jesus? Then the answer came to me: LOVE.
After all, the Holy Bible says to love your neighbor as yourself and that others will know we are His disciples by the love we have one for another, (Matthew 19:19, John 13:35, 15:12, and 15:17)

Maybe that is my life lesson for the day. Even when you are having a bad day, look for ways to love. When others are angry, respond in love. I’m not a pro at this by any means. Actually, today frustrated me so much I had to keep reminding myself that “love is not proud, seeketh not its own, vaunteth not itself, keeps no record of wrongs..”(I Corinthians 13)

Oh Jesus, help this ball of dirt to do better!

0 thoughts on “What Impresses Jesus?

  1. Tammy says:

    Praise God!! I am actually going through the same lessons right now where I feel like Jesus is trying to teach me to love as He loves…starting with my family. Thank you for your sensativity to His moving. Love you!

  2. dsg says:

    Thanks Tammy! I so appreciate your comment. Love Lessons are indeed challenging to learn. Just about the time we think we’ve got it mastered something comes along that blows us away! Aaahhh, to be like Jesus more and more every day!!

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