What’s Your Home Feel Like?

If you had to put one word to the overall feeling in your home, what would it be? Relaxing? A refuge? A battlefield?

What if I could tell you that every day from now on you could have an overriding sense of peace and calm in your home? Would you be interested? How much would you pay to have such a guarantee?

It is possible, and it won’t cost you any money. But it WILL cost you some time and commitment. The solution?


Hallesby explains it this way:
“Prayer brings a good spirit in our homes. For God hears prayer. Heaven itself would come down to our homes. And even though we who constitute the home all have our imperfections and our failings, our home would, through God’s answer to prayer, become a little paradise.” – O. Hallesby

It has been my habit to pray every morning and read my Bible. When my kids were small, I prayed with them and read them a devotion. When they were in school, we prayed before school for God to be with them. We had a lifestyle of prayer in our home and still do. God’s presence is felt because of it.

Others have attested to the peace that is in my home. Many times, we have had people over and they have commented on the lightness in their spirit that they feel . Or, if they don’t understand what it is they are feeling, they may say “I like what I feel in your home… it feels good here.” What a compliment! It’s all because Jesus is welcomed into our home through prayer.

That doesn’t mean we don’t have disagreements and the like. But when Jesus is the center of all that you do, His spirit dominates, and that goes a very long way in helping everything stay calm and reasonable.

So I ask you again, what does your home feel like? Is there peace? Or did the stench of last night’s argument greet you at the breakfast table?

Jesus Christ desires our home to be a place of refuge and refreshing, but He leaves the choice up to us. So I ask you today… What will you choose?

“… choose you this day whom ye will serve; … but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.” (Joshua 24:15)

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