Why the Church?

As I sat and watched my granddaughter in our church’s annual Christmas program, I was reminded again of the importance of the church. Our lives and our communities are richer because of the church. In fact, the church is one of the few safe havens left in this toxic world that sees daily headlines of terrorist attacks, cop assassinations, and once respected influencers fall into grotesque sin. Why the church? Well, I’m glad you asked.

Why the Church?

It is the church that reminds us that moral absolutes do exist; that contrary to the opinion of many, sin has consequences; and that it is good and healthy for us to not always get our way.

Why the church?

Because the church teaches and reinforces the importance of living by a moral code. A code that strengthens the fidelity of marriages, that demands integrity in business, and that shows kindness to everyone. (All building blocks of a healthy society.)

Why the church?

Because the church teaches us to treat others as we want to be treated. “Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you.” (Matthew 7:12) is more than just a nice admonition for parents to use when their children misbehave. It is the mantra of the church – the core foundation of the Christian faith, and one that if fully embraced would strengthen every family, cause employees on the job to flourish, save marriages, and stop politicians from publicly bashing each other.

Why the church?

Because it offers perpetual hope. A hope for safety and prosperity for our children. A hope to operate out of the better side of ourselves. And a hope for an eternal future in a heavenly place with a loving God.

My Granddaughter’s Generation Needs the Church

As I watched those fresh-faced 3-12 year-olds perform yesterday, I prayed that they would always love the church, always love God’s truths, and never, ever be tricked into believing that they didn’t need the church. Because the God who loves them, and created them, put the church here on earth so that they would have safe place to grow and mature, and get to know Him.

What About You?

Where does the church fit into your life? What has your church experiences been?

0 thoughts on “Why the Church?

  1. Tammy says:

    Love this! Yes, without the church I would probably be back to the sinful ways I used to live and hating myself in the process. The church is so vital now more than ever. The precious family of God in the church is such an amazing support system when trials come my way and I need a helping hand to hold me up when I am not as strong as I could be in the Lord.

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