Apostolic Effect

If you ever wanted to know what it was like to know the 12 disciples, to be in the Upper Room when the Holy Ghost was poured out for the first time, or to experience miracles, signs and wonders like they did in the book of Acts, just visit an Apostolic Church. The people who attend these churches know what it is to experience the Apostolic Effect – a life where the Spirit of God moves dynamically in every aspect of the individual’s life and where the love of God is tangibly felt.

Apostolic Effect

The Apostolic Effect is a series of blog posts that seeks to share the many exciting facets of the Apostolic believer’s life. Sometimes it’s about an Apostolic preacher, prophet, or evangelist. But at other times the Apostolic Effect is about an every day believer who is being the hands, feet and mouth of Christ in their home, their community, or at their job.

Hidden within the evangelical world are these powerful Christ followers who have been filled with the Holy Ghost  and baptized in Jesus name just like the great Apostle Peter instructed the New Testament church to do in Acts chapter 2.

These modern day Apostolics are seeing cancers healed, crooked spines made straight, financial ruins reversed, and demonic torments alleviated.

Passing the Mantle Conference

My home church just finished hosting our annual Passing the Mantle conference where some 300 pastors and leaders gathered together for prayer, fellowship, and Apostolic impartation.

I was privileged to feast on the words of Robert Boettcher, Mike Dobbs, Harold Hoffman, James Stark, and Eli Hernandez.

Each of these men shared from their experiences of living the Apostolic Life and told stories of the miraculous that our Lord Jesus Christ is doing all across the world.

They told of a service where 85 blind people instantly received their sight. Where pastors of other denominations were getting the Acts revelation and getting baptized in Jesus name. Where hundreds of people with serious illnesses were instantaneously healed.

How great our God is! And how privileged we are to live in a day and age where God’s power is being poured out just like it was in the Bible days.

What About You? How Has the Apostolic Effect Impacted Your Life?

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