
In my almost 50 years, lifehas dealt me myriad circumstances that have, at times, tested my sanity, my character, and my love for God. Frustrations at work, church, or home threaten to overwhelm me. I find myself wading through a cacophony of emotions that so rattle my perceptions that I feel like I am peering into my day-to-day life like a hunched up driver at the wheelof a car in anintense rainstorm.

I can see the road, and I know the way; but my visibility is limited. The beating of the wipers annoys me even though I know that without them I couldn’t navigate at all. Thepounding rain agitates every last nerve.

I have enough sense to know that the rain won’t last forever, and that eventually clarity and sunshine will return. But when I am in the midst of the downpour, all too often I whine and complain or getangry and cry.

Why do they keep changing my work schedule? I have a life outside of my job.

Don’t they know that I should be the one to run the sound, head up the nursery, or sing the special?

I know Susie is family, but why does she always have to make things so difficult?

And so it is with many of us when our less-than-perfect world threatens our sense of well-being.

All too often, we react with intensity and angst when pressures or unfairness invade our lives. We become indignant, self-righteous, ignoble. Our base carnality rises up, and we want to right the wrong. Fix the injustice. Throw the first punch.

After all we have a right…

Or do we?

  • Joseph had a right to withhold food from his brothers who had left him a pit to die. (Genesis 37:29)
  • David had a right to kill Saul in the cave. (1 Samuel 24)
  • Abraham had a right not to murder his son. (Genesis 22)

What we fail to realize is, that just like in Biblical times, the things that most upset us are often allowed by God to test our heart to show God and ourselves what is really inside of our desperately wicked being.

“The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?”-Jeremiah 17:9

After God provided the ram in the bushes for Abraham so that he didn’t have to sacrifice his son Isaac, he said to him “Now I know that you fearlessly fear God; you didn’t hesitate to place your son, your dear son, on the altar for me.” (Genesis 22:12)

Now I know…

I wonder what God knows about our hearts when we are in our seasons of frustrations and trials?

Now I know that you are jealous of your coworker’s success…

Now I know that you are resentful that your mother had a better relationship with your brother than you…

Now I know that… (you fill in the blank)

Let’s Pray:

Lord Jesus, please forgive us for what is in our heart that we do not know. Help us to see life’s trials and adversity as allowed by you to prove and purify our hearts. You are amazing and mighty and fully dedicated to helping us become like You. Make us willing Lord to submit to your process of growth. And help us to remember that our life’s challenges are always about having the right heart response. In your name. Amen.

0 thoughts on “Frustrations

  1. Tammy says:

    Oh my word that is so true. Your comments hit me like an arrow straight to me heart! Thank you for sharing and bringing that challenge in your sweet anointed way to help us be better in the Lord. 🙂

  2. Judith Lowe says:


    I love the analogy you use of driving in the rain and how you can’t see, but the wipers on the wind screen are giving you clarity. You know the rain will stop and the sun will come out and you know you will be able to see where you are going.

    I understand you are saying that you feel your Mother spent more time with your baby brother. Have you ever asked her Why? Could it have been because he was younger and needed more attention? All Mother’s love their children the same, but each differently. A Mother’s love is unconditional. What was she going through? Have you ever asked her? My guess would be it was not intentional or an attempt to be hurtful. I see this with my clients all the time. Ask yourself this question, What makes me feel that way?

    I hope at in your 50th year you will find the answers you are looking for.

    As a Transformational Coach we respect and value our clients. Our clients already know the answers to their own questions. We just provoke them into thinking.

    I wish you well on the rest of your journey through life and much happiness in your 50th year!

    Judith Lowe, CPC
    Changing and Transforming lives

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