Getting To Know Us

Good Morning My Friend! It’s a glorious Friday to be living every day with Jesus, and I must admit a little more glorious for me personally because I am off work today! (woo hoo!)

If we are guarded or too reserved, we make another person feel shut out. That is why I try to be transparent in my writing. Granted, it’s not always easy to ‘tell the world’ that I have well over 100 pounds to lose, or that I once struggled greatly with depression. But when we are willing to be vulnerable (exposed if you will) we dismantle the enemy of our souls, and forge bonds with others that are not easily broken. I believe that times of rest and relaxation are just as important to our success in living every day with Jesus as times of advancing the kingdom. Since I’m home today and feeling rather playful, I thought it’d be fun to share with you a little of my world. Because I believe it is only when we share ourselves with others that true friendships are forged.

But first some edification to nourish our souls because I’m sure you didn’t come by just to read about me:
“No cloud obscured the face of the Father from His trusting child, who could look up into the Divine countenance and pour out the longings of his heart.”-E.M. Bounds

Oh, how true this is! One of the most fabulous benefits of living every day with Jesus is knowing that no matter how dark my world gets or how many struggles I must endure, I always have a safe haven from my loving and protective Heavenly Father!

Safety is a very real reward don’t you think? Especially in today’s world. To have such assurance and confidence in our Creator that no matter what happens externally in world at large or internally in our lives or psyche, is one of the most profound aspects of living everyday with Jesus.

Yes, Jesus often gives me loving human hands to provide for me but over and above all that they could ever imagine to do, God is there. Keep repeating those last three words to yourself… God is there. When I can’t make my mortgage payment…God is there… When my family disappoints me… God is there… Those three little words honor the Maker of our souls! Be assured my friend, God IS THERE!

Okay, now for some pics to show you what life is like on my side of the computer….

(My husband, Buddy, and me)

(My granddaughter, Mickensay, in my Great room)

(My granddaughters, Michelle and Mikayla, in my pool)

(My daughter, Stephanie, and my granddaughters)

(My Dad and my step-Mom)

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