GUEST POST: Lysa Terkeurst

(I stumbled across Lisa Terkeurst’s BLOG about a month ago and visit it periodically. Lisa is the founder of Proverbs 31 Ministries which is an organization dedicated to helping women become all they can be in Christ Jesus. Their site is user friendly and has many resources. It’s definitely worth checking out!)

Lysa is a prolific and very successful writer, and in a league way beyond where I am right now. I do not know her personally, but I wanted to share one of her recent posts (see below) because I think it will bless you. But also, because rejoicing in another’s gifts is an important part of living every day with Jesus.

Think about that last statement just a minute – rejoicing in another’s gifts. How comfortable is it for you to that? It’s certainly not always been easy for me. Our human tendency can be to think about our own gifts, and how we want to be used; be in the limelight; make lots of money, or win hundreds of souls to the kingdom.

But how often do we help someone else be in the limelight? Especially someone who is operating in the same gift we are? If you are a singer, do you wholeheartedly support the other singers in your church? Or if a you’re teacher, do you enthusiastically applaud another teacher’s presentation? It’s the same for writers or any other profession.

Sharing Lysa Terkeurst’s post is easy for me. After all, she’s already famous, and if anything, my posting about her can only help me.

So the real test for me will be for me to give ‘blog space’ to another struggling writer just like myself and help them because I want to see them shine… Someone who is my peer. Even if it means they will shine more than me. Why? Because that is what Jesus would do, and that is what he would expect of me.

So I have included the link for Lysa’s post from yesterday. May you be blessed and may God continue to anoint all her efforts for His kingdom.

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