MONDAY MUSING: God’s Bufferers

How are you feeling this Monday morning?

Does a job await you?

Are you preparing for your kids to go back to school?

Or will you spend this Monday looking for a job, maintaining your house, or struggling with a chronic illness?

Whatever your Monday holds, I want you to know that Jesus is with you in it.

He feels the dread you feel when the morning alarm goes off in the dark of the early morning.

He understands the stress of getting school-age children dressed and ready for school. Rest assured, Jesus cares deeply about your day-to-day challenges.

And for me Jesus’ love and care is enough.

That is one of the perks of living everyday with Jesus.

Everyday may not be perfect, but everyday is buffered by His sweet presence and by the people He sends into my life to help me.

I was thinking this morning about all the men and women God has placed in my life over the years who helped to buffer my hard times.

  • Brother Kenny, my teen Sunday School teacher, who made it a point to encourage me and build me up in the faith every week.
  • Sister Bevens, a sweet elderly lady who came to my house to pray and sit with me as I dealt with depression.
  • Sister Hensel, a mighty prayer warrior who continues to carry me in prayer and speak the truth of God’s love to me, even when it’s hard to hear sometimes.
  • My precious grandfather, who first taught me about Jesus, prayed for me, opened his home to me when I was a teenager, and continues to imprint Jesus on my heart by his words and example.

These are just a few of the many people that were willing to sacrifice and give of themselves to me. I thank God for every one of them, and I regularly ask God to bless them for the difference they made in my life.

That’s the great thing about living every day with Jesus.

We may have hard times since the Bible says that it rains on the just and the unjust alike, but we can take comfort in knowing that God buffers all of our circumstances.

Sometimes, He acts in supernatural and invisible ways, and sometimes He sends ‘people with skin on’ to undergird us and strengthen us.

What about you?

Who has God sent in your life that has been a bufferer to you?

Won’t you honor them and God by leaving a post as a testimony to God?

“And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.” (Revelation 12:11)

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