In a few minutes, the work-a-day world will be in full swing.

Some of you will put on your tool belt and report to a construction site.

Some of you will put on your uniform and prepare for a day of cleaning, waitressing, or cleaning car engines.

Some of you will be heading off to the corporate world where the color of your tie or the type of shoes you wear impacts the success of your career.

Others of you will stay in your pajamas or don a pair of sweat pants as you spend the day chasing after toddlers and running a household.

There is no doubt about it that, whatever your profession, the next 8-10 hours promises to be full of pressures and expectations. It’s part of having a job.

It comes with the territory so to speak.

We accept it.

We endure it.

We slug through the day, longing for the 5 o’clock whistle to announce our release.

But is that the way Jesus intended our work life to be?

I don’t think so.

Consider the following scripture:

“…I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” (John 10:10)

Jesus didn’t say our life would be abundant excluding work.

No, this scripture seems to indicate that all parts of our life can be abundant, joyful, and fulfilling.

My prayer for you today is to embrace all that Jesus has for you in your job today. When the pressures come, thank Jesus for them.

When a co-worker lets you down, ask Jesus to bless them and encourage them.

Rejoice my friend in the job God has given you because it is in thankfulness and joy that we learn the true secret of living every day with Jesus.

“Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice!” (Philippians 4:4)

0 thoughts on “MONDAY MUSING: Rejoice!

  1. Marcus Goodyear says:

    You’re speaking my language here, Debbie! I especially like that you reference Philippians 4, too. Paul says that in light of his personal troubles, insisting instead that he can be content no matter what the circumstances.

    That is true of us in our work too. God gave us work from the beginning, and even modeled work for us in Creation. We’re now working in a fallen world, but like Paul we can choose to find joy around us anyway.

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