MONDAY MUSING: Soul Awareness

It’s another Monday Morning dear reader, and, if you are like me, another work week awaits.

But before we jump full force into all the demands and expectations that our respective professions require, let us pause for a moment and think about the many souls that we interact with today.

Yes, these souls are wrapped in all kinds of uncomely packages.

From the cubicle mate who constantly sucks on her teeth with a loud, grating sound to the too cheery and way too chatty woman who seems to always plant herself in your office seeking your undivided attention, and saying nothing of any real consequence or importance.

Yet, the Lord Jesus has seen fit to place them in your path, in your company, or on your customer list. Why? Perhaps He trusted you enough to see past their outer wrappings.

Or perhaps He felt that whatever irritations these individuals might cause you today will force you to become aware of your own judgmental attitudes or shortcomings.

Whatever Christ’s reasons are for having you in your present situation, one thing is for sure He’s specifically chosen it and He’s watching to see how you will handle it.

May we all learn to see past the facade of those around us and seek to love their souls as Jesus Christ would expect us to do.

” Man looketh on the outside, but God looks on the heart”

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