Permitting Christ

Telling Christ aboutour needs is easy, but permittingChrist to meetour needs, however He sees fit, is sometimes different.

Like when Elijah the prophet told Naman, aGeneral of the Syrian Army, to dip in the muddyJordan Riverso that hisleprosy would be cleansed. (Luke 4) Naman’s need was healing. Christ’s way was a muddy bath.The path toNaman’s healing was not at all what he expected – or desired.

But Naman made the decision to permit Christ to. And he was healed.

Another instance was when Jesusput dirt and spittle on the blind man’s eyes and told him to wash in the pool of Siloam. (John 9) The blind man’s need was sight. Christ’s way was a dirtball facial. The blind man had to stand still and permit Christ to mix His saliva with the dirt on the ground and then smear it over his eyes. The blind man then had to be led to the Pool of Siloam to wash the spit-filled dirt off his face and eyes. A very public healing, in quite a humiliating way. But it was Christ’s waysand, by permitting Christ, the blind man was healed.

Or when as a young woman, I prayed daily that I wanted to marry a man who would love me forever. Then he came with ready made family of 4 small children.He was 30 and a widower, and I was only 20. The path to my answered request was to become an instant mom. It’s not always been rainbows and unicorns, butafter almost 30 years of marriage it still is wonderful and he truly does love me forever. My need was unconditional love. Christ’s way was an instant family. By permitting Christ, my need was met exponentially.

O. Hallesby explains:

“To pray is nothing more involved than to open the door, giving Jesus access to our needs, and permitting Him to exercise His own power in dealing with them.”

PermittingChrist to exercise His power….

Permitting Christ to exercise His power in all areas of need in our lives.

PermittingChrist to exercise His power in our marriage challenges.

PermittingChrist to exercise His power in our family’s financial needs.

Permitting Christ to exercise His power in our workplace stresses.

Permitting Christ to resolveour problems His way.

In short, giving Christ absolute and total control over every area ofneed in our life and allowing Him to bring tous or keep fromus whatever is necessary to answer our requests.

What about you?

What do you need Christ to do for you today? Where do you need to permit Christ to do as He pleases? Let’s talk about it.

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