Post Election Kindess

(All Christians should show post election kindness. It is what Jesus would do. And I believe it is what He would expect us to do in this post-election season.)

“I just can’t believe she lost,” he said. “How could people vote for a man who berated whole swaths of the population? It’s insane.”I mean, I am utterly dumbfounded. I fear for the future of our country.”

These were the words that a 30-something young professional spoke to me the day after the Presidential Election.

This young man was articulate and respectful, yet deeply impassioned about his view that the United States of America is doomed without Hillary Clinton at the helm. And the more he talked, the more apparent his anger towards Donald Trump became.

And so I listened… and listened, and then listened some more.

I didn’t judge.

I didn’t argue.

I just did my best to attentively hear his concerns.

And as he talked, I silently asked God to give me a word, some nugget that would comfort this young man, and encourage him. And thankfully, near the end of this young man’s venting, a word came.

“I understand your concerns, and can totally see why you feel the way you do. But I guess, I feel that what makes our country so wonderful is that we have a true democracy with a peaceful transition of power. And honestly, Donald Trump has been a success all his life, I don’t think he’s gonna want to fail at the presidency. He’s gonna want to get it right.”

His demeanor calmed. And he acknowledged that what I had said might be true. It was a word of hope from the Lord Jesus Christ to him.

Post Election Kindness

And isn’t that what Christians are to offer to all people? A word of hope?

Where ever you go today and whomever you encounter, remember this. We are to be a living epistle known and read of all men. It is not our job to debate, to argue, to defend our stance.

Instead, we are to show love, extend kindness and tolerance. To be a light. To be so salty with the truth of gospel that the people around us sincerely thirst for Christ.

What about you?

What post-election difficulties are you encountering? What advice might you share with others regarding how to navigate conversations with those who have a different view than you?

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