Respecting Another’s Faith

I have Christian friends, Buddhist friends, Catholic friends, Islamic friends, and even some atheist friends. This in and of itself is not anything spectacular. Lots of people have friends of different faiths and cultures. I’ve always enjoyed my diverse group of friends and feel challenged to be the best example of Christ to them that I can be. I’ve always tried very hard to respect their varying beliefs.

But recently I’ve found myself in conversations with some of my non-christian friends where my ‘respecting’ felt more like agreeing, and this made me uncomfortable.

For example, today one of my friends was all agog that they had been given an impression of Jesus on a rose petal that ‘miraculously’ appeared when they were at a conference. Evidently there is a man named Carmelo Cortez who is ‘supernaturally’ used by God to pull petals off of fresh roses, dip them in some kind of colored water, and then ‘miraculously’ divine impressions appear.

As my friend showed her ‘holy rose petal’ to others many ooed and ahhed and were clearly mesmerized by the ‘power of the petal miracle’.

Since many in my circle of influence look to me for prayer and encouragement, they just assumed I would be equally enthusiastic.

But I wasn’t.

Instead, I listened intently to my friends glowing explanation of what took place at the convention where the ‘Rose Petal Miracle’ occurred. Then I said “I’m really happy for you” and “What a neat memento for you to have” but I stopped short of declaring it a supernatural phenomenon.

As I walked away from the ‘Rose Petal Group’ I was overwhelmed with sadness because my friends were easily taken in by what I felt was a hoax.

“How could I have prayed so much for them and still they don’t see Jesus for who He really is?” I mused to myself.

But I didn’t say anything. The truth is I wasn’t sure what to say. I felt a strong urge to declare truth as I see it but also realized it was important that I respect their right to choose to believe the rose petal image was straight from heaven.

So for now I’ve decided that I will pray for truth to be revealed to them, and I will write truth as I feel inspired to do so. (see my SIDE NOTE explanation below) I will keep on being their friend and keep on loving them.

Should I say more to them? I don’t know. I’m still grappling with this question. What do you do when you come face-to-face with what you believe is a false belief? What did Jesus do? These are the questions I’m still seeking answers to.

I sure hope some of my readers take time to give feedback. This is one time I really need your insight….

SIDE NOTE:The point of this particular post isn’t to debate the legitimacy of flashy so-called miracle workers. But because I believe the Bible is our ultimate guide I think it’s important to point out that Jesus himself warned us about people who use outlandish tactics to draw a crowd presumably in the name of Christ: “For false Christs and false prophets will arise, and they will show great signs and wonders so as to deceive and lead astray, if possible, even the elect (God’s chosen ones).” (Matthew 24:24)

At least it’s something to think about….

0 thoughts on “Respecting Another’s Faith

  1. Bottles says:

    Thank you Debbie for addressing this topic. I can only cite word of God:
    “Then some of the Pharisees and teachers of the law said to him, ‘Teacher, we want to see a miraculous sign from you.’
    He answered, ‘A wicked and adulterous generation asks for a miraculous sign! But none will be given it except the sign of the prophet Jonah. For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of a huge fish, so the Son of Man will be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.’
    Matthew 12:38-40

  2. test says:

    I am the most skeptical person and if this was some hoax or trickery I would pay to see it again. Our feeble mind wants us to make sense to of things we cannot explain. It is as simple as the statement Christ said after he asked Thomas to touch and feel “blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” We can use scripture to prove or disprove anything. What I witness was truly a miracle and without going any further into details. It happened to me and I even brought the roses and I know there was nothing on them.

    People can believe whatever they wish but what I witnessed, smelled and taste was truly a gift and nothing evil about it. I believe we know the difference between false and truth. Would you know Jesus if knocked on your front door? I don’t think I would, unless he revealed himself like he did at the resurrection.

    People who think this is hoax, keep believing we all have a bit of Thomas in each of us…..

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