The Lesson of the Ducks

On a recent wintry afternoon my husband and I went for a drive and by and by we happened upon an icy river. There on the frozen abyss, ducks slid and bumped their way across the embankment. So amused were we by their frosty play, we decided to pull over to watch them for awhile. But little did I know that God had more than an entertaining afternoon planned for me. Instead, my Heavenly Father was about to use an odd little man to teach me the Lesson of the Ducks.

Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin: And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. (Matthew 6:28-29)

The Ducks

The ducks themselves, were, well…ducks. They honked, waddled and fumed as they shivered in the January cold.

The Man

But then HE showed up. The odd little man. The ducks honked uproariously as he got out of his car and walked toward them. It was as if they knew him. He stood motionless for awhile, seeming to just the fanfare the ducks weer making over him. Then he revealed the reason for their excitement: the corn. The man had a container of corn feed bought especially for ducks. And every single day came to this particlar shore to feed them. “Corn has nutrition,” he told me. “Bread does not. They need the vitamins and minerals in the corn to help them stay strong through the winter.”

It wasn’t long before he offered for me to try my hand at feeding his ducks. I say “his” because the ducks clearly had an affection for him. Oh, they ate the corn I threw, but they didn’t flutter or fuss around me. Why? Because the odd little man was their provider. He was the one who came every day. They knew his movements. His scent. And his faithfulness to them.

The Lesson

The lesson is that Jesus is to us, what that odd little man was to the ducks. He cares for us. He provides for us. He is faithful and consistent in his oversight of us. The Bible says that He never leaves or forsakes us and that even if we made our bed in hell He would be there.

And Jesus is concerned about the quality of both our natural food and spiritual food. He cares about our physical wellbeing and our spiritual wellbeing. He wants us to think on good things so that our mindset is healthy. And He wants us to trust Him for provision when ours is lacking.

Jesus is not the least bit concerned about what is happening in the world today. He knew it was going to happen. And He knew that He would provide for his own. So do not worry. Jesus is with you. And He is very capable of taking care of you.

Friend, what do you have need of? Tell Jesus!! He that clothes the lillies of the field will most assuredly meet your every need.


Lord Jesus, you see the need of every person reading this right now. Minister to them as you see fit. Let them know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are there. Comfort them. Strengthen them. Hold them up with your righteous right hand. In Jesus Name, Amen.