It’s Wednesday, and I started the year by promising to blog about my weight loss journey. It’s getting difficult to follow through with this promise because I am waffling in general with my food and exercise. The excuses are getting easier and easier. Last week, my excuse was “it’s been a bad week emotionally for me as a family member passed away.”Now this week my excuse is “it was Memorial Day weekend and we did a lot of entertaining.”

The good thing about my blog commitment is that the weekly postings are forcing me to take a hard look at my habits and weaknesses. My hope is that the honesty and accountability will pull me through. Plus, I am doing some things to try to feed my inner self in an effort to change my thought processes which is where I believe the core of my weight issue is – in the mind.

Some of things I’ve been doing are:

  • Continuing to seek the Lord’s help with this struggle by sincerely praying about it.
  • Meditating on Bible verses to try to soak my spirit in God’s opinion instead of my own.
  • Watching the Biggest Loser episodes online.
  • Reading books that strike a chord with me such as Women, Food and God by Geneen Roth.
  • Keeping myself honest by weighing in each week and sharing my weight with two or three trusted friends. (I skipped the weigh in last week but will face it today)
  • Tracking my food online on the free Livestrong Daily Plate

My heartfelt hope and prayer is that all of the above will help me not only reach my weight loss goal but grow and be transformed in my thoughts and personal outlooks.

On my own, I cannot do this. The amount I have to lose is too overwhelming. But through Christ and the love and support of others I believe I can overcome this.

“I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.”
-Philippians 4:13

0 thoughts on “WEDNESDAY WEIGH-IN: Excuses

  1. Marla says:

    1 pound at a time to a healthier you! Don’t get overwhelmed with the total goal number. Every pound that comes off, is a very good thing – and a step in the right direction. You are doing great just for trying to take care of yourself – many never get to this point.

    Praying for you. Marla

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