What’s Working – What’s Not?

I’ve blogged well over 100 posts and still don’t think I’m getting it right. Why? Because the interaction from you, the reader, isn’t happening and, quite frankly, neither are the hits.

Soooo, I’m spending the weekend seeking the Lord Jesus for direction, but your input would be very helpful too.

If you’ve ever read my blog please tell me what’s working and what’s not.

If this is your first time to read my blog, please take a few minutes to look it over and tell me what’s working and what’s not.

Why do I blog? That’s a fair question, and one I’m still trying to define. But here are my reasons for the moment:

  • To have a place to refer people to so they can learn about how dynamic a relationship with Jesus Christ can be.
  • To share the things that happen on a daily basis when you live life surrendered to Jesus Christ.
  • Because I enjoy communicating through my writing.

Now, am I accomplishing what I just listed above?

Please tell me your thoughts.

A future soul might depend on it. 🙂

– Debbie

0 thoughts on “What’s Working – What’s Not?

  1. David @ Red letter Believers says:

    Debbie. First of all, dont be discouraged. Cyberspace can be a lonely world. And as an artist — which writers are — we thrive on the applause. But as a Christ follower, our real motivation is the applause of heaven. Does God approve of what are doing? Are you posts God-honoring? Would you be able to sit on his lap and read Him your story? If so, then you are doing the right thing. Forget reader comments and statistics and analyitics. Just write for the King.

  2. Debbie Simler-Goff says:

    Oh David! Your comment ministered to me in the deepest way ever! Thank-you sooooooooooooo much for taking the time to comment. It’s true, I was getting concerned that I wasn’t reaching anyone because of the lack of hits and comments and was wondering if I should do something different.

    I asked God and all He kept impressing me with was ‘motive, check your motive’.

    Your comment spoke right to my heart. Thank-you again and again!!

  3. Bradley J Moore says:

    Debbie-have you been visiting other blogs on a regular basis and making comments on blogs that you feel an affilation with? So much of blogging is a two-way street. I would start there, if you haven’t already. There are plenty of good posts by “experts” about how to build an online community. Remember, it’s about the community, not your writing. All the best to you!

  4. Anonymous says:

    Debbie, keep going… I came to your blog for the first time today after seeing your post on face book. I randomly read some of your postings and was blessed, motivated and moved as I moved thru your postings, some you most likely have already forgotten. Many great writings that were written years ago are being read for the first time today and those words are still speaking to hearts right now. The bible is the best example I can think of, however there are many more.
    As I read thru your blog, I felt the Holy Spirit speak to my need for today, although the words were written months ago…many feet have yet to travel where you have already been… the steps of a good man (or in your case, a good woman) are ordered of the Lord. Keep fighting the good fight, He is worth it. Love, Ila Sagil

  5. Debbie Simler-Goff says:

    Thanks Ila!!

    Your words mean a great deal to me! I think I shall print your post and keep it so I can refer to it.

    I especially liked what you said about “many feet have yet to travel where you’ve already been.”

    I hope you come back often and comment again. Your words blessed me and I’m sure others!!

    Email me and let me know how I can pray for you. 😉

  6. Claire says:

    Hi there,

    This post made me smile. I have asked myself this question in various forms a number of times.

    I have found that blogging has come to mean different things to me at different times. It keeps redefining itself. The goals keep changing. I like this flexibility but it takes energy to keep up with the fresh perspective.

    The commenters above have given great advice. I find that my biggest traffic leads come from leaving truly meaningful comments on other’s blogs.

    It is all about listening, about emailing, about caring.

    Much love and prayer for you,

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